28 August 2012. This family drama is a fusion of August Rush (2007), a young adult version of Meet Joe Black (1998) and Heaven Can Wait (1978). What makes this particular movie stand out is how it avoids the traditional sweet syrupy sludge of typical feel good juvenile movies. Instead the script incorporates a more encompassing view of life, including its funny moments, innocent experiences as well as the drama of hurt, sadness, and loss. In sort, this is a very nicely balance movie that includes a slice of life look at our own experiences but through the lens of honesty and the hopes and dreams of many parents and their children as well. This is a movie about what can be and is. Reviewed 8/26/12. 8/10.
'Sentiment: Positive đ'
Although this movie will never win any awards there is something truly magical about The Odd Life Of Timothy Green. It starts out showing you that anything you can imagine can happen. Be open to every opportunity that life throws your way. Then of course there is the obligatory life lesson thrown in where everything starts to turn sour. There were a few moments though when all I could think was, geez the adults really are bastards. Everything always has to be a competition. Finally you guessed it, the ending picks up and everybody learns from their lessons.OK so it may be pretty predicable but little Timothy Green has a wonderful spirit and has a beautiful way at looking at the world. It's a nice movie and a lovely concept. You probably only need to watch it once but it's worth it.
'Sentiment: Negative âšī¸'
I suppose this would be an acceptable movie for small children. But for grown ups who are accustomed to any level of critical thinking, this film is a waste of time. I gave up after about 40 minutes. It would abundantly obvious where it was going.There's one scene which comes across as especially contrived and insulting. The roughneck uncle arrives and promptly organizes a Dodgeball game. Who the hell plays Dodgeball at family gatherings?There's one scene which comes across as especially contrived and insulting. The roughneck uncle arrives and promptly organizes a Dodgeball game. Who the hell plays Dodgeball at family gatherings?